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Keywords: City, Memory, Experience, Non-Fiction, Urban Culture.




Leoncio Barrios

Foreword by José Balza

Hardcover | 157 pages | 5.5 x 8.5 inches

Paperback | 157 pages | 5.5 x 8.5 inches


No podíamos traer una chiva y un chivito a un apartamento. Ahora viviríamos en Cerro Grande, el primer superbloque que se construyó en Caracas, una joya de la arquitectura nacional que, además, por la cantidad de gente que lo habitaría, sería como vivir en un pueblo pero en vertical, con vecinos a los lados, arriba y abajo.

- Leoncio Barrios


“These pages refer to a home and its area of Caracas, but they also show a city inside the city, an agile portrait of the country of yesterday, of today. All this through the versatility of the man-child (or of a child-man) who is lending us his 'rearview memory mirror' for the journey (…) Here the every day, the trivial, acquires the rank of a vital center, as in any life.”

- José Balza


Leoncio Barrios (Valera, 1947). Psychologist, teacher, and social analyst. Ph.D. from Columbia University, NY. Author of articles, memoirs, essays, and stories for children. Movie buff and a vibrant dancer.


INTENSIVE CARE -- Arturo Gutiérrez Plaza


LOS VIERNES SANTOS -- Silvio Mignano